Breast Cancer Now

Project: A Love/Hate Relationship

Real talk; women and their breasts 

As COVID-19 fears grew, fewer women were getting their breasts checked. Breast Cancer Now, wanted breast cancer back in the headlines. With award-winning filmmaker, Anna Ginsburg, we explored the love/hate relationship women have with their breasts.

01The Context

COVID-19 fears were stopping women getting their breasts checked. The Institute of Cancer Research warned this would lead to an increase in breast cancer deaths.

02The Move

To help UK charity, Breast Cancer Now, put breast cancer back into the headlines, encouraging more women to self-check and seek medical advice.

03The Action

Love Them, Hate Them, Check Them: a powerful animated film, produced by Anna Ginsburg, that explores the love/hate relationship women have with their breasts.

04The Impact

Major coverage and award nominations for the film, 91% completion rate on Spotify ads, a much-needed rise in the conversation around breast cancer.

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