Royal Society of Chemistry

Project: A storm in a (salty) teacup

A storm in a (salty) teacup 

When the Royal Society of Chemistry approached us to spread the word about its book on the chemistry of tea, we tapped into the strong British pride of making the perfect cuppa to earn headlines.

01The Context

The RSC is a scientific publisher with a mission to inspire people to become curious about chemistry – Steeped was a pop-science book that could do just that.

02The Move

Brits adore their tea, so we decided to use this to our advantage. An American chemist showing the UK how to brew was bound to create a storm in a teacup.

03The Action

Our press release was steeped in Dr. Francl’s tips, like adding salt and warm milk, or using a microwave – guaranteed to stir debate and brew headlines.

04The Impact

A world-wide debate with tea-rrific results: global amplification by US and UK embassies and the UK cabinet office. 2K+ articles secured across 54 countries and 70K visits to the RSC books website in the first week. Steeped sold out in 12 hours and was listed #3 bestseller in ‘Coffee & Tea’ on Amazon.

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