AB InBev / Budweiser
Project: Bring It Home
Bring It Home
As the official beer of the England men’s football squad, Budweiser needed a carefully crafted campaign to rally support for the team and boost brand exposure during the EURO 2024 tournament.
01The Context
Budweiser wanted to increase brand exposure during the EURO 2024 tournament in a way that reflected its core principles of ambition, opportunity, and conviction.
02The Move
We leveraged the popularity of Sir Geoff Hurst, the last living legend of the 1966 World Cup winning team, to rally the nation’s support for the England squad.
03The Action
In partnership with Sir Geoff, we launched Budweiser’s limited edition ‘Home-cans’ and initiated a petition for a #BudBankHoliday, should England win the tournament. The campaign was directed at King Charles III, who holds the power to declare a bank holiday for events deemed a ‘significant national celebration’.
04The Impact
Despite the team being knocked out in the semi-final, the campaign garnered over 55 pieces of coverage, including Sky Sports, The Sun, Daily Mirror, Daily Mail, Drinks Business and Campaign, with a combined two billion+ reach. Budweiser’s commercial results increased over the EURO 2024 period.
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