Greater London Authority

Project: Love London

Reminding Londoners why they love the Capital 

The pandemic turned many Londoners into ‘local-ers’, with far less travelling from their neighbourhoods to the city centre. The Greater London Authority wanted to remind Londoners why they love the city, so we created a unique series of love letters.

01The Context

The pandemic turned many Londoners into ‘local-ers’, creating a false dilemma between the neighbourhoods and the city centre.

02The Move

To help Greater London Authority remind Londoners why they love their city and encourage them to come and rediscover the things that made London special to them.

03The Action

Using MINDSPACE model of behaviour change, we discovered what people really missed about London then activated a series of Love Letters that spoke to those longings.

04The Impact

In post-campaign measurement, 80% of Londoners said Love London made them feel more connected to the capital and ¾ planned to attend an event in the city centre.

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