Fauna & Flora International

Project: Our One Home

Putting vital conservation at the forefront of government conversation 

The world’s oldest international conservation organisation, Fauna & Flora, wanted to place conservation at the forefront of global government agenda and change how it’s funded. With the help of Sir David Attenborough, we demanded the U.N’s attention.

01The Context

International conservation organisation, Fauna & Flora International, wanted to place conservation at the forefront of global government agenda and change the way it’s funded.

02The Move

To convince member states of the United Nations to collectively commit $500bn to protect the natural world from the urgent threat of climate change.

03The Action

A letter, signed by 140 conservation groups, sent to the UN Secetary-General, and publicised by the likes of Sir David Attenborough, Dame Judy Dench and Stephen Fry.

04The Impact

230+ pieces of coverage, reach of 930m. Engagement from the likes of Leonardo Dicaprio. The campaign led to ongoing discussions with U.N’s Environmental Programme.

Let’s talk

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