Visit Wales

Project: Over A Rainbow

Putting a nation’s values on the map 

Wales qualifying for the 2022 FIFA World Cup for the first time in 64 years was a chance for the nation to put its values on the map. This was brought to the fore when ex-women’s captain was denied the right to wear a rainbow hat to first Wales game.

01The Context

Wales qualified for the Qatar World Cup and wanted to show the world its values. At the event, Wales’s ex-women’s captain was denied the right to wear a rainbow flag.

02The Move

Manage media around the incident for brand Wales to demonstrate the nation’s values to the world and to impact the rules at the event regarding LGBTQ+ rights.

03The Action

A global media strategy designed to influence awareness and sentiment around the flag incident to enact change at the event and celebrate Wales’s inclusive values.

04The Impact

70+ interviews generating hundreds of pieces of coverage. Then an announcement from FIFA declaring the right to wear rainbow items at World Cup matches.

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